Hi there, I'm
Hussam Sharmani

Aspiring full-stack developer passionate about building innovative and efficient software solutions, with expertise in Java, Spring Boot, and AWS.
Full-stack web developer | Java | Spring Boot | Kotlin | React & TypeScript | Cloud computing interest.

About Me

Hello! I'm Hussam Sharmani. I studied Information Systems at King Abdulaziz University and love to build software. While I focus mainly on backend development with Spring Boot, I'm also skilled in frontend and full-stack projects.

I enjoy creating powerful server solutions and am also interested in cloud technologies and responsive website design. My goal is to develop software that is not only powerful but also user-friendly.

I'm looking for opportunities to grow as a backend developer and to work on projects where I can use my skills in Java and Spring Boot, and also explore more about cloud solutions and full-stack development.

Technical Skills

HTMLCSSReact.jsJavaScriptTypeScriptReduxTailwind CSSNext JsNode.jsExpress.jsSpring BootKotlinJavaC#PythonAndroid StudioSQLJPQLGoogle FirebaseMongoDBDynamoDBAWSAlibaba CloudGitGitHubPostmanFigmaCanvaMicrosoft Office

Projects Showcase

JavaSpring BootJPQLPostman

Developed a backend for a comprehensive platform for organizing gaming tournaments and eSports events. Integrated coaching sessions and academy courses for gamers at all levels.



Assistant Instructor
Nov 2024 – Current
Tuwaiq Academy | أكاديمية طويق | Part-time

Assisting in delivering Java and Spring Boot courses to aspiring developers. Providing one-on-one guidance to students, reviewing code, and supporting classroom activities.

Software DevelopmentJavaSpringBootSQL
Data Analysis Intern
Jul 2022 – Aug 2022
Intern at North Carolina State University
North Carolina

Collaborated with a student group to analyze extensive data sets containing physics information. Conducted statistical analyses to derive meaningful insights and patterns. Presented findings visually using tools such as Litmaps, Inciteful, and Connected Papers, showcasing complex relationships in the data.

Data AnalysisLitmapsIncitefulConnected Papers

Contact Me

Feel free to reach out for any inquiries or collaborations:

Email: h.m.sharmani@gmail.com
Phone: +966540206446